
Tuesday, 1 November 2016

A man on the loose looking for boys.

Image result for halloween skeletonYesterday on Halloween there was a man looking for boys to kill, that's why you should  go with a parent.When it was Halloween my brother  and his mate went  out  until 9 o'clock and the man went chasing my brother and his mate, my brother wanted to take off his shoes  and the man went to take a hit  and my brother dodged the hit and he ran. The man was drunk  and he had a riped t shirt he lived in Glen inne's on the streets that's why you have to run until you cant see him  and don't stay in the same place for him to  hit you, that's why you have to have a parent with you  and then you can be safe  because  when the man sees you with a  parent he will go away.


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