I personally think that more should wear hats and if you listen to me you would have a better life worth living I have multiple reasons to why people should wear a hat.
If we start wearing hats and if we do then you would end up having good skin. If you don’t listen to what I have to say you would end up with skin cancer you wouldn't see it on the first day you get it but many days later you would notice.
I would really consider you to wear a hat that covers your hole head and it would be good so you can prevent feeling the hot sun in your face. I would recommend to wear a hat because it would be better for all of us.
It would be vital to wear a hat because you would also get sunburn and we all know that it would probably hurt because if someone were to slap you on the back it would hurt and you would get a big hand print on your back.
If you were to wear a hat I would guarantee that you would have less of a chance to get skin cancer.
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