
Tuesday, 12 September 2017

The tale of the Tomato

The tale of the TomatoImage result for tomato
It was a very sunny day on Sunday at my dad's farm. My mum decided to plant some seeds so she went  to the supermarket and bought some seeds.
My mum bought some tomato seeds then she went back to the farm and planted them.There was a storm coming so my mum ran inside.When the storm covered up my mum went outside with my brother and sister. They put coats on to keep warm. It was very gusty and foggy outside and very wet but what we found was trees full of tomatoes and my mum said ‘’oh what do we have here, the seeds had grown in the storm. One of the tomatoes on the tree was very gigantic and it fell down in a flash. My mum , sister and brother carried with all their mighty  but  the tomato  didn't  get very far so they called out to my dad. My dad ran out and helped. My dad said “ on three we pull three two one pull, they pulled  with all their might but they didn't get very far to. They called me then I ran like the flash to go and help.We all tried our best to pull it inside then we did.

We had tomato stew for dinner it was scrushes.     


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