
Wednesday, 24 October 2018

WALHT:Describe our hip hop dance lesson?

We had dance class today and it was fun. I was unfortunate last week because I did come to the dance lesson last week. We were in the hall and we wormed up to the beat so we twirled our arms back and forward. It was so fun when we done the warm up.

We then played a game it was rock , paper , scissors but with poses. We went in to four different groups. Group three and two were in a tie but it was fair that group three won. It was so cool  to play rock paper scissors. The posses were funny but we all looked very very serious.

There after we learnt how to do the hand work and the video shown on top will show you our moves. The moves were hard at first then it got easy but not to easy. When we got the rhythm we kept on going faster and faster. We had to memorise it so we can get a treat.

It was so fun when we Warmed up played the game and done the hand work we are so lucky we are gonna do it tomorrow.   


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